Livestream Shortcode
Include a Livestream video directly into the body content of a page or block. Livestream is a live broadcasting service to enable organizations to share experiences through live video.
This bundle requires a subscription to the Livestream service.
Note: you must enable the Livestream bundle to use this feature.
Tip: You will find a list of shortcodes by clicking "More information about text formats" at the bottom right under the WYSIWYG editor.
Locate Embed Code Elements
- Click the small share icon on the video page in the top left corner.
- Select the embed tab and click the 'more options' link.
Play Options
To make the video accessible on your site, you must un-enable the autoplay option. People using screen-readers navigate by listening, so any sound playing when the page loads will interfere immensely.
- Toggle the option "Autoplay on page load" to off before you copy the embed code.
Insert Livestream Shortcode
- Place your cursor in the Body content area where you want the stream to appear.
- Place the livestream embed elements for your video into the shortcode: ID, Account and Event
You will need to read the embed code and extract the ID number, account number and event number and insert these in the shortcode.
- This is an example of the shortcode format and how the code will look:
[livestream id="Embed code ID" account="Embed code Account" event="Embed code Event" /]
Example with ID number, account number and event numbers inserted in the shortcode
[livestream id="12345678910" account="12345678" event="1234567" /]