Countdown Shortcode

The countdown shortcode allows you to display a countdown tool that you can use for events such as the semester application deadline. This shortcode basically counts down to the specified date.

This bundle is part of an Admissions Initiative and is only enabled on college level sites.

Note: you must have the countdown bundle enabled to use this feature.


Insert Countdown Shortcode

  1. Place your cursor in the Body content area where you want the countdown to appear.
  2. Place your date in front of the time code between the beginning and ending countdown tags.
    • The entered date must be in month/day/year hour:minute:second format. The result will be displayed in Days – Hours – Minutes – Seconds format.
    • [countdown]11/15/2019 23:59:59[/countdown]

Configure Display

You may configure three countdown shortcode display attributes.

  • Style: inline or stacked
  • Background: solid or transparent
  • Size: regular or full

Countdown Shortcode Samples

1. Inline - transparent - regular

[countdown style="inline" background="transparent" size="regular"]11/15/2019 23:59:59[/countdown]

2. Inline - solid - full

[countdown style="inline" background="solid" size="regular"]11/15/2019 23:59:59[/countdown]

3. Stacked - transparent

[countdown]11/15/2019 23:59:59[/countdown]