Remove Subnavigation

You may easily remove the subnavigation block on mobile devices or on certain content types such as a basic page. Some site design layouts will place the menu block in the middle of the content when viewed on small screens so you might consider removing the subnavigation for mobile devices. 

You may also remove the subnavigation for all devices on individual pages of a site. Only certain content types have this option; basic pages and articles.


Remove Subnavigation on Mobile Devices

  1. Click the gear icon on the subnavigation block.
  2. Select Configure block.
  3. Select Hide menu on mobile display.
  4. Click Save block.

subnavigation block configuration page


Remove Subnavigation on Basic Pages

When you enable the Feature layout on a Basic page, you will also remove the subnavigation block.

  1. On a Basic Page, click Edit Layout.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and in the Feature Layout drop-down select Feature Layout.

Enable Feature Layout

Related: Learn more about Feature Layout by reading the full tutorial.