Images of Text

An image of text refers to practice when readable text is presented inside an image, including text that has been presented in a fixed image form in order to achieve a certain visual style.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) recommend avoiding using images of text if you expect the text to be read by the user, unless it’s necessary such as in a logo or brand name, in which case the alt text should be the same as the text in the image.

All information that is needed for visitors to read should be text on a page. Genuine text is much more flexible than images: It can be resized without losing clarity, and background and text colors can be modified to suit the reading preferences of users. Images are more likely to distort and pixelate when resized. In those rare situations where images of text must be used, the text alternative must contain the same text presented in the image.

Images that Convey Simple Information

An image of text such as a logo is not accessible without appropriate alternative text.  The text alternative must contain the same text presented in the image.

Images that Convey Complex Information

The image text that contains more than 15 words is not accessible because it contains too much embedded text. Complex images, such as graphs, charts, or diagrams, may contain too much information to be effectively described using alt text. Instead, these images must be described with text on the page and / or an image caption. Long description is a more detailed description that provides equivalent access to the information the image. The best choice is to create the text as text on the page. We have several options to layer text on top of images to make it accessible. You will need to remove this image and reformat the content.