Site Search Settings

Websites with the advanced search settings can set their search options to "Search this site" and/or "Search all". Not every site needs the "search this site" option since this results in a small pool of results for visitor. It all depends on how much content you are providing, and how easy it is for your visitors to find the information they are seeking.  Small sites with less than 100 nodes should choose the default search option, search This will be the best user experience and allow users to view search results that emphasize the current site first then be served results from other sites in the university domain. 

Search this site feature allows you to confine a visitors search results to just your site. This is best for sites with 1000's of nodes of content. If visitors have a hard time finding content on your site consider using this feature.

Note: Request the Site Search feature before you start the tutorial. Only launched sites can request the Site Search feature.


Configure Search Box

  1. On the Express admin bar, click Settings
  2. Click the Site Search Settings link.

Select Search Options

You have the option to customize your site search to search all of your site and or just your site or both where the visitor may choose the search filter. Click on the box next to the search type to display with your search box. 

  1. Search this site: This will create a visitor search of only the content on your site.
  2. Search This is the default search option. Emphasizes your results over other university site results.
  3. Select both Search this site and The visitor will have the option to select their search preference which displays below the search box. 

Site Search