Localist Events Block
This tutorial covers how to place a Localist Events block that pulls in events from the campus events calendar.
Configurable options include:
- The number of events to display.
- Ability to display events based on selected filters.
- Ability to display events based on tags.
- Style options.
Related: Events Calendar Platform Tutorials
Demo: Localist Events Block
Create a Localist Events Block
- Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Blocks.
- Click on Add Block at the top of the page.
- Select Localist Events from the list of options.
Add Label and Title
- Label: a name used to uniquely identify the block.
- Title (optional): this displays above the Localist Events block when placed on a page.
Configure Options
Select the Options tab:
- Number of Results (required): enter the number of events to display. You may choose between 1 and 50 events.
- Days Ahead (required): enter the number of days to display future events. Typical days is 31, but you may choose between 1 and 365 days.
- Start Date: the date that the list of your events should start from.
- Skip Recurring Events: choose to not include recurring events.
- Show All Instances: show all instances of recurring events (instead of only the next)
- Link: provide a link below the list of events to link to another page on your site, or to the events calendar.
Configure Filters
Select the Filters tab to choose the filters of events you would like to display. Expand each section to configure the options.
- Filtering Options:
- Only Show Featured: when checked, only events flagged as a featured event will be included.
- Only Show Sponsored: when checked, only events flagged as a sponsored event will be included.
- Content Must Match (required): select the option that best meets your needs.
- Any place, group, keyword or tag, or filter item.
- At least one place, group, keyword or tag, and one filter item.
- Any place or group, and at least one keyword or tag, and one filter item.
- At least one place and group, and all keywords, tags, and filter items.
Note: If you embed the widget code and some events are not showing up, check this setting to start troubleshooting the issue.
- Filter by Academic Calendar: choose the academic calendar timeframe or subject to display.
- Filter by College School Unit: choose which college or school events to display.
- Filter by Interests: choose the interest category to display.
- Filter by Target Audience: choose the target audience(s).
- Filter by Types: choose the type of events.
- Filter by Group: choose the department or group to display.
- Filter by Place: choose the location(s) of the events.
- Filter by Keyword and Tags: choose the keywords and tags of the events to display, separate each with a comma.
- Excluded Content: any filters specified in these drop-downs will not be included in the block. This is helpful in a “show all but one” situation.
Note: If none of your events show up - check this setting again to ensure you have configured the block to show your events and haven't excluded them.
- Exclude by Academic Calendar
- Exclude by College School Unit
- Exclude by Interests
- Exclude by Target Audience
- Exclude by Types
- Hide Past Events
Configure Display
- Widget Type (required):
- List: display a list of events.
- Mini Grid + List: display a mini-grid calendar in addition to the list of events.
- Style (required):
- Modern: square image with date overlay, event title, description, location, time and "I'm Interested" button.
- Card: image with blue date, title overlay and description in a grid format. Hover displays title, date, time and location.
- Classic: title/link, small thumbnail, description, location/link, date and time (aligned right) in a list format.
- Template 1: title/link, time, date, location, description and thumbnail (aligned right) in a list format.
- Template 2: small date icon, title/link, time, location, description and thumbnail (aligned right) in a list format.
- Template 3: title/link and date (aligned right) in list format.
- Template 4: date icon, title/link, time, location and description in grid format.
- Template 5: image with date on the right, title/link, description, time and location in grid format.
- Hide Descriptions: select to not show event descriptions.
- Truncate Descriptions: select to have description, location, and event image hidden upon page load, but when an event is clicked this information will appear.
- Render HTML in Descriptions: select to allow any HTML entered by admin (bold, etc.) to be displayed automatically.
- Hide Event Images: select to not show images.
- Hide Event Times: select to not show times.
- Open Links in New Window: select to have another window open when event is selected.
Save Block
- Click Save.