Add Redirect

You can redirect your site visitors from one url to another. This is useful if you are redirecting traffic from a deleted page and want to be sure that your visitors end up on the correct new pages, or if you want to have some shorter vanity urls within your site for marketing purposes.

Note: Automatic redirects are created if a page changes the URL path through a title change, menu placement, etc.


Add a New Redirect

  1. Go to the Express toolbar and select Settings.
  2. Select Redirects from the list of options.
  3. Click on Add redirect at the top of the page.

Enter Path and Destination

  1. From: enter the url path you want to redirect. The path must be a url within your site. 
  2. To: Enter the destination of the redirect. The destination must be a url within your site. (example /training/web-core)

    Note: Use the url path alias, instead of the node number of the page. This will help all site maintainers to be able to see what URL paths are being redirected easily. If you use the node number it will make troubleshooting any issues more cumbersome to correct. Do not use the full URL for internal content.

  3. Advanced Options: Unless you know what the redirect status codes do, it is best to leave the advanced options in the default state.
  4. Click Save.

Add redirect details


Editing a URL redirect

If you would like to access a page being redirected, you may disable a redirect temporarily, then enable it again.

  1. Click on Edit next to the redirect you would like to change.
  2. If the Enabled box is checked, this redirect will be enabled. Disable the redirect by clearing this box.

Wildcard Redirects

A wildcard redirect allows you to create a  redirect based on any page that matches a pattern, regardless of the URL of a specific page. This is especially handy for redirecting whole sections of a site to a new navigational section of the site. When you move the content via an admin menu page, Web Express will create the corresponding redirects automatically. The Web Express team can add these types of redirects manually for you if needed. Please request assistance.

Important: There are some paths that Web Express needs, and you should not add redirects for these. These include:
  • admin
  • user
  • sites
  • profiles
  • filter