Articles by Person Block

The Articles by Person block aggregates articles authored by a Person if that person has been added to the byline of any article. An Article by Person block can be added in two ways:

  • To all person pages via context.
  • To individual person pages using a block wrapper

Note: Person content types and articles with linked bylines must already have been created before you may place this block.


Create an Author Context

In the Shortcuts menu, select Context

  1. Click Add to create a new context.
  2. Name: Give the context a unique name.
  3. Optional: Provide a tag and/ or description


Set the Context Condition

  1. In the Conditions Sections, use the Node type condition.
  2. Check the box next to Person.


Set the Context Reaction

  1. Scroll down to the Reactions section and choose Blocks from the <Add a reaction menu> drop-down.
  2. Expand the CU Article blocks section and check the Article by Person block.
  3. Click the + Add link on the region where you would like the block to appear.



Click Save.