Check for Broken Links

Dead hyperlinks on websites are not just annoying, their existence may impact your site in several ways

Because of broken or links to old urls a website may:

  • Lose some of the existing visitors (current users will sooner or later get frustrated enough to never come back).
  • Damage your reputation online (most of online visitors consider stale hyperlinks a demonstration of lack of professionalism).
  • Have negative impact on your website's ratings with major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

All these present issues that we would like you to avoid.


Free Online Link Checker

Here are some online link checkers to try:


Enable SEO Bundle

The Web Express SEO Bundle will also check links on your site. Use the SEO Dashboard - SEO checklist link checker feature.

If errors are found, click Link Checker to go to an administration page to edit the broken links.