Pardot Form Embed

Pardot is a lead generation service that offered by SalesForce. You must have a Saleforce account with the Pardot service to use this embed.

Note: you must request the Pardot bundle to use this feature. 


Add Embed

  1. Go to the Express toolbar and select Content.
  2. Click the Embeds tab.

  3. Embeds tab on Content Admin Page
  4. Click the Add Embeds link.

  5. Click Add Embed
  6. Select Add Pardot Form Block Embed.

Configure Pardot Form Block Embed

  1. Enter the label of the embed block. The label only appears on the Embed Overview screen and helps you search for and filter results. 
  2. Choose the Pardot Domain where your Pardot form is hosted from the dropdown. 
  3. Add the Primary Form ID that you want to show up on the page.
  4. Add the Form Date.
  5. Add the Secondary ID.
  6. Set the Form Height. 
  7. Set the "Status" to Published.
  8. Click Save.

Pardot Form block


Placing the Pardot Form Block Embed

  1. Pardot Form Block Embeds can be placed in one of the various Regions on the site page. See the Block Wrapper Block tutorial to learn how to place your Pardot Form Block Embed via Edit Layouts or place the block with context.

    Note: Ensure the Pardot Form Bean Embed is in the "published" status so site visitors will see it. 


Edit a Pardot Form Block Embed

On the Embed Overview page, click edit next to an embed to navigate to the edit screen. 

Edit any field of the embed including the status field.