Edit Blocks

Web Express offers more than twenty different block types. Each of these block types has a different purpose and can be placed anywhere to create customized layouts. Blocks are easy to edit and if a block is placed on more than one page on a site, you simply edit the block once and it updates on all pages that it appears. There are a few different approaches you can take to edit blocks.


Edit Block Gear Icon

You may edit any block that is placed on a page by looking for the gear icon that appears when you hover over the block. It is located in the top right corner of a block.

  1. Click on the gear icon.
  2. Select Edit Block.

Select Edit Block

This will open up the block editor so you may edit the contents of the block. Make sure to click Save when you are finished making changes to your block.


Find and Edit Blocks from Blocks Administration Page

You may search for blocks on your site from the Blocks administration page.

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Blocks.
  2. Use the filters to search for a block based on type, label and/or title.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. When you see your block in the list of blocks, select Edit Block.

This will open up the block editor so you may edit the contents of the block. Make sure to click  Save when you are finished making changes to your block.

 Filter blocks


Find and Edit Blocks from Edit Layout

If the block was placed using the page's Edit Layout tab, you will see the block listed in the region it was placed. You have the option in the Edit Layout tab to edit or remove the block

  1. Navigate to the page that has the block you're looking for. 
  2. Select the Edit Layout tab.
  3. Select Edit next to the block you wish to edit. This will open up the block editor so you may edit the contents of the block.
  4. Click on Update Block, make your block changes, then click Update Layout.

Configure Block

In Block Designer mode, you have additional options for configuring your block:

  • Block Theme: Choose a pre-configured theme to apply custom settings to the block.

    Note: The theme must be created first. 

  • Icon: Choose an icon to appear in the block Title.
  • Block Designer Settings
    • Icon Settings: Select the position, color and size of the icon in the block Title.

      Note: You must choose an icon to appear in the block Title.

    • Block Heading: Choose a Heading format for the block title to be placed in the proper heading hierarchy on the page. Choose the Heading Alignment to align the title to the left (default) or centered. Choose a Heading Style to change the font size of the title. 
    • Block Style: Select a background color, outline, or underline for the block.
    • Block Typography: Decrease or increase the size of the title. Decrease or increase the size of the text in the content of the block.

Block Designer settings

More Block Designer settings