Manage RSS Feeds

Why should I make a feed available?

Your viewers will thank you because it allows them to see your site without going out of their way to visit. Publishing an RSS feed is a great way to generate site interest and increase distribution of your content.

Note: you must enable the Feeds bundle to use this feature.


Set up an RSS Feed

  1. Go to the Express toolbar and select Settings.
  2. Select RSS Feeds from the list of options.

RSS Feeds in settings


Configure RSS Feed

  1. RSS Feed Title: enter a title for your feed.
  2. Categories, Tags: if you would like to build a customized feed, filter your feed content by selecting the categories and/or tags you wish to use for the feed.

    Configure RSS Feed

  3. Copy the RSS Feed URL.
  4. Click Save Feed.

Copy RSS feed URL


Create an RSS Feed from an Article List Page

You may create an RSS Feed from any article list page. The RSS Feed will retain the filtering options configured on the article list page. This is a quick way to set up an RSS feed.

  1. Navigate to the Article List Page that you'd like to use for the RSS Feed.
  2. Click Create Feed.

  3. Click Create Feed
  4. In the RSS Feed Title, the title of your Article List Page will appear.
  5. The Categories and Tags filters will be populated from the Article List Page's settings.
  6. Click Save Feed.

Filters customized to the article list page


Share your Site's RSS Feed

Of course, you will want to encourage visitors to subscribe. Consider putting a link to your RSS feed in several places including the following:

  • The sidebar: the sidebar is a great place to put your subscription options, including RSS, and social links. 
  • At the end of articles: once a visitor has read a satisfying article, they will be more likely to subscribe to your RSS feed. Consider putting a link to your RSS feed at the ends of posts.
  • In the footer: you can post the RSS link at the bottom of a page or in the footer menu of the site.

Tip: Use the Social Links block to share your RSS feed. Select "Feed" as the link type to display the RSS feed icon.

The filters will customized to the article list page