Publication List Pages

Publication List Pages are automatically generated when you create Issue content. These pages are a great time saver and may be added directly to your site's main navigation. There are two system generated pages:

  1. Current Issue: this creates a page that automatically displays the current publication issue.
  2. Issue Archives: this creates a page that displays the covers of all the issues on the site, with a linked title to each issue.

These pages aren't listed in the backend with the rest of your content. You will need to create new menu items on the main menu to place the page in the site navigation. 

Note: you must enable the Publication bundle to use this feature.


Current Issue Page

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Main Menu.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the New menu item field, enter the menu text to display for your navigation (typically it is "Current Issue").
  3. In the drop-down menu under the Target column, leave as URL.
  4. Click Save Configuration.
  5. On the configuration page and in the Path field, enter "issue/current".
  6. Click Save.

Enter the path 'issue/current'


Issue Archives Page

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Main Menu.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the New menu item field, enter the menu text to display for your navigation (typically it is "Archives" or "Issue Archives").
  3. In the drop-down menu under the Target column, leave as URL.
  4. Click Save Configuration.
  5. On the configuration page and in the Path field, enter "issue/archive".
  6. Click Save.

Enter the path 'issue/archive'