People Filter Labels

People List pages may be configured to filter persons using up to five filters. Two of the five filter labels have default labels applied; they are the department label and type label. Filter 1, Filter 2 and Filter 3 are not labeled. You may customize any of these labels in the People Filter Labels menu. Some examples of custom names for filters might be Position, Research Groups, Program Areas, or Intramural Teams.

Note: You must enable the People bundle to use this page.

Demo: People List Pages


People Filter Labels

  1. Go to the Express toolbar and select Settings.
  2. In the People section select People Filters Labels.

People Filter Labels in Settings


Customize People Filter Labels

The Department Label and Type Label are already filled out with the default filter labels. Edit any of filters with custom names by entering your preferred name in the field below the label you want to customize. You may customize any of the labels. When you are done click 'Save'.

  1. Enter your preferred name in the field below the label you want to customize.
  2. Click Save.