People List Filters

By default, a People List Page shows all of your people sorted by last name. However, you can choose to show a smaller set of people by restricting the list to certain filters such as showing only the Faculty of the Psychology department or just the people in the Molecular Research Laboratory Group. You can also group people together by any of the filters, order them by Last Name or Job Type + Last Name, and choose what filters you will let your readers access.


Choose Filters

Set filters to limit the people displayed.

  1. Navigate to your People List Page and click on Edit.
  2. Scroll down and expand the Filter/Group/Order section. You'll see the terms you've set up for Department, Job Type, and People Filters. 
  3. Choose the terms to display (these are the terms you set on the individual person pages).

Note: Filter options are an "or" setting within each group. This means it will show people who have any of the terms you have selected, not all of the terms you have selected. Between Filter Groups is an "and" setting -- it shows everyone who belongs to the chosen department(s) and the chosen job type(s).



Group and Order People

Use your filters as headings to group people together. 

  1. Group By: your people will be listed together by the group type you choose, with a heading for each section. 
  2. Order by
    1. Last Name: will list all your people alphabetically by last name.
    2. Type + Last Name: will order people first by Job Type and then by Last Name within that Job Type. No heading is applied.

Group and order


Show/Hide Filters

  1. Scroll down and expand the Show/Hide Filters section. 
  2. Select which filters will be shown or hidden to your readers from the drop-down options.
  3. Child Terms:
    1. Include all child terms of the terms selected in the filter menu. 
    2. Only include the terms selected in the filter menu. You will need to select terms in a filter group to be shown in the filter drop-down options

show/ hide filters


Save People List Page

Click Save.