Form Submitter Role

Form Managers may configure a form that requires submitters to login before they can view and submit the form. Only individuals who have a CU Boulder Identikey will be able to login and submit to the form. When a user submits to a form that requires authentication, they are given the role of Form Submitter. 

Note: you must enable the Forms bundle to use this feature.


Edit Form Settings

You may create a form for authenticated users that requires users to login order to view and submit to the form. After you have added all of the fields/components to your webform you will need to configure the form settings.

  1. Navigate to the webform you would like to edit.
    1. Go to the Express toolbar and select Content
    2. Click the Webforms tab.
    3. Click Edit under Operations in the row of the webform you'd like to edit.
  2. Click the Edit Webform tab.
  3. Select the Form settings tab.
  4. Under the Submissions Access section:
  5. Uncheck "anonymous user"
  6. Click Save configuration.

Manage Form Submitters

You may manage form submitters as you would other users on the site. If you want to give a form submitter editing permissions on the site, you do not need to invite them to the site since they already have a user account on the site. You would just need to edit their user role.

Related: Managing Users