Content Sequence Block - Advanced

Advanced content sequence

Display a time-based sequence of content such as important dates or milestones. Advanced Content Sequence blocks display horizontally on a page.

Note: you must enable the Content Sequence bundle to use this block.

Demo: Content Sequence


Create a Content Sequence

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Blocks.
  2. Click on Add Block at the top of the page.
  3. Select Content Sequence from the list of options.

Configure Advanced Content Sequence

  1. Label: a name used to uniquely identify the block.
  2. Title (optional): this displays above the Content Sequence block when placed on a page.
  3. Display: select Advanced Timeline from the Display drop-down.
  4. Advanced Settings: expand the Advanced Settings section and choose the timeline scale (.5, 1 or 2). A description is optional.

Add Sequence Content

Each content sequence section is called a Slide. 

  1. Scroll down to the Sequence Content section.
  2. Title tab: enter the the Title (required) and Link (optional). 
  3. Content tab: enter the body content (required). If the body content is left blank you will receive an error message when you save the block.
    1. Image: you may add an image. Upload the image and provide alternative text (files must be less than 256 MB. Allowed file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg. Images must be smaller than 2000x2000 pixels.)
    2. Video: you may add a video to the slide. Enter the url of a Vimeo or YouTube video.

      Note: Videos have priority. If you uploaded an image and already have a video URL, the video will display in the slide and not the image.

  4. Date tab: dates and times are required for advanced timelines. You can precisely position slides on the timeline with these fields.
    1. Start Date (required): enter the start date for your slide. Enter a time. 
    2. Display Date (optional): enter unique text. If left blank, the Start date will display.
    3. End Date (optional): if you leave this field blank, the date will be just one day.
    4. Display End Date (optional): enter unique text. If left blank the End date will display.
  5. Group tab: this allows you to group slides and will display with one group timeline above the other group timeline. The first group used is displayed on top.
  6. Click Add another item to add more slides.
  7. Click Save.

Place Advanced Content Sequence

Content Sequence blocks work just like other blocks and can be placed in one of the various  Content/Layout Regions on the site page.

Related: How to Place Blocks