Person Page

Add person

Use the Person content type to add individuals to your site such as staff members and faculty. 

Note: you must enable the People bundle to use this page.

Demo: Person Page


Create a Person Page

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Add Content.
  2. Select Person from the list of options.

Configure Personal Tab

  1. First Name: enter the first name of the person. 
  2. Last Name: enter the last name of the person.
  3. Job Type: first grouping tag used to group people into categories such as administration, faculty, staff, etc. 
  4. Title: enter as many titles as you wish. Drag cross-hairs to change title order.
  5. Department: second grouping tag. Enter as many as you wish, separated by commas.
  6. Photo: upload an image. Drag the tiny plus to the most important part of the image – this helps the system know where to crop the image if that should be necessary.

Tip: An individual can be tagged with more than one Job Type or Department. Use a comma to separate the types.

Person Content Type: Display of first tab


Configure Contact Tab

  1. Email: enter email addresses.
  2. Phone: enter phone number.
  3. Links: add links to other sites such as personal or project websites, or to files. Enter the Title and URL of the site. Click Add another item to add another link.
  4. Address: enter address details.
  5. Office Hours: enter office hour information.

Tip: Use the File content type to upload a CV, then enter it in the Links section.

Person Content Type: Display of second tab


Configure Other Tab

  1. Body: use the Body field for any other type of information that you want to share, adding headers such as ‘Biography’ or ‘Publications’ as necessary.
  2. Edit Summary: if you will be using the People List Page "List View" for your staff directory, you’ll want to enter a short summary describing each person. List View will display the first 75 words of the Body field. 
  3. Filter fields: three more tags for grouping and filtering staff. These are useful for filtering by specialty, research area, etc. Add titles to these tags in Site Settings.

Menu Settings

Check the menu settings and adjust if necessary. The default setting will not provide a menu link and the breadcrumbs will place the person under "Home". A typical setting for a Person page would be to provide a menu link, place the page in the menu structure of your site and disable the page in the menu. This will provide navigation breadcrumbs but no subnavigation links. 

Typical menu configuration for Person page:

  1. Check the box next to Provide a menu link in the Menu settings.
  2. Select the Parent item from the drop-down list.
  3. Check the box next to Disable in menu.
  4. Use Save and add another to save time during repetitive content creation. This will save your person page and open a new Person Page. 

Related: See the Basic Page tutorial to learn more about menu settings.