Context Regions

The block regions and region names vary slightly when using context than the regions available via Edit Layouts on a page. There are a few more regions available to place content and some regions are specifically for certain blocks.

Demo: Layout Regions



  • Content: (Above Content, Main Content and Below Content: Edit Layouts region equivalent) this is the main region of each content type. You may place blocks here as well, and will appear above or below the main page content depending on your row weight settings.
  • Sidebar First and Sidebar Second: (Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar: Edit Layouts region equivalent)  these regions will only appear if a block is placed within them. They appear outside the content area. The sidebar first is the default area to display your inner page navigation (subnavigation).
  • Wide Intro : (Intro Wide: Edit Layouts region equivalent) this region goes edge-to-edge in the browser window. Best for Hero Unit Blocks, Slider Blocks and Video Hero Block.
  • Slider: used for Slider Blocks.
  • Post Title Wide and Post Title: these regions allow important content blocks to be placed within the page hierarchy. Use these regions to improve page structure and reading order. For example, if content is added to the Intro Wide region, this content will be read by a screen reader before the page title. Placing content in Post Title Wide and Post Title will allow content to be read after the page title making the page structure more accessible.
  • Wide Post: (Post Wide: Edit Layouts region equivalent) this region goes edge-to-edge in the browser window. This is similar to the Intro Wide region except that it shows up at the bottom of the page (and above the after content).
  • After Content, After Content 2 and Footer: these regions can be split into 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 columns. Set the number of columns by going to Theme/Design in the Express toolbar > click Configure > scroll down to Column Options and change as desired.
  • Site Information: the site information region is reserved for contact information such as address, phone and email.
  • Content Sidebar Right and Content Sidebar Left: (Inner Left and Inner Right: Edit Layouts region equivalent) these regions will only appear if a block is placed within them. The main content wraps around them.
  • Content Bottom: this region is reserved for the Related Articles Block. Place the Related Articles Block in this region and the block will appear after the article contents and above the articles categories and tags.