Twitter Card Settings

Optimize your content for sharing on Twitter by configuring Twitter card meta data. This allows you to define exactly how titles, descriptions, images and more appear in social streams. The implications for SEO are also significant. We know from experience and studies that the right data, including optimized images, helps content to spread, which often leads to increased links and mentions.

  • Twitter Cards generated from meta tags only appear when a Tweet is either expanded in the timeline (on web) or viewed on the Tweet’s individual permalink page (by clicking on the date from the timeline, either on web or on mobile).
  • You must enable the Search Engine Optimization bundle to use Twitter Card Settings.

Meta Tags Settings

  1. Navigate to the page you would like to configure and click Edit
  2. Scroll down and click on Meta tags.

Twitter Card Display

  1. Click Twitter Card to expand this section. 
  2. Select the Twitter card type you would like to use when shared on twitter. We recommend using the summary or summary with large image card type.
  • Summary (default): no other fields are required for a Summary card.
  • Summary with large image: requires the 'summary' field and the 'image' field.
    • Twitter large image optimized size: 280x150px
  • Photo: requires the 'image' field.

Note: Larger images offer you the most flexibility. When in doubt, test each page using the appropriate tool below to see exactly how your images will appear in snippits.


Add Twitter Account

Add your Twitter account information

  • Creator's Twitter account: the @username for the content creator / author for this page, including the @ symbol.
  • Creator's Twitter account ID: the numerical Twitter account ID for the content creator / author for this page.

Add Twitter card


Save Meta Tags

  1. Click Save.


You can test your Card using the Twitter Card Validator.