Form Checkboxes, Radio Buttons & Select Lists

Checkboxes, radio buttons and select lists are all created from the 'Select' component type. 

Note: you must enable the Forms bundle to use this feature.


Add Select Options Component

  1. Navigate to the webform you would like to edit, or create a new form.
  2. Click the Edit Webform tab.
  3. In Form Components, under the Label column enter a New component name.
  4. Under the Type column, choose Select options from the drop-down.
  5. Click Add.

Set Key-Value Pairs

The Options have to be set up as sets of key-value pairs. The value is displayed to the user and also comes to us in the submitted email.

The key is a unique identifier used by the system. It doesn’t affect us at all but it does need to be there. The key needs to be machine-safe, which means all lower case and no spaces. The easiest thing is to use numbers.

  1. Separate the key and the value with a pipe – a long vertical line. key1|value1


  • 01|Undergraduate Student 
  • 02|Graduate Student
  • 03|Faculty 
  • 04|Staff

Pre-Built Options

You may choose to use a pre-built list of options rather than entering options manually. The system comes with three pre-built options: Days of the Week, Countries and US States.

Note: Pre-built options will not be editable.

Pre-built options drop-down


Display Options

  1. Multiple/checkboxes: check Multiple if the user should be allowed to choose multiple values as checkboxes. Be sure that Listbox in the Display section is not checked.
  2. Radio buttons: make sure both Multiple and Listbox are not checked.
  3. Drop-down list (single selection): make sure Listbox is checked.
  4. Drop-down list (multiple selection): make sure both Multiple and Listbox are checked.

Multiple and Listbox options


Save Component

When you are done click Save component at the bottom.