Create Form as a Block

The Webform content type creates a full-page form by default but the form can also be saved as block which can be placed in any region. 


Edit Webform

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Find Content
  2. Click on the Webforms tab.
  3. Click Edit under Operations in the row of the webform you'd like to edit.
  4. Click the Edit Webform tab.
  5. Click the Form Settings tab.

Expand Advanced Settings

  1. Scroll down to the Advanced Settings section.
  2. Click the checkbox next to Available as block.
  3. Click Save Configuration.

Place Form as a Block

Webform blocks can be placed in one of the various regions on a content page. Use a Block Wrapper Block to add a webform block to a page.

Related: How to Place Blocks, Block Wrapper Block