Error Page

Page not found example

Create a customized “404 Not Found” or "Access Denied" page.

Note: you must enable the Advanced Content bundle to use this page.


Create an Error Page

  1. Create your Error Page by using a Basic page.

Assign Page

  1. Go to the Express toolbar and select Settings.
  2. Select Error Pages from the list of options.
  3. Enter the page URL into one of the options:
    1. Default 404 Page: sets the 'Not Found’ page
    2. Default 403 page: sets the ‘Access Denied’ page
  4. Click Save configuration.

Assign an error page


Error Page Tips

As well as the “something went wrong” text, you should ensure that your error page has the following:

  • A link to the site homepage. This is the easiest way for users to bail out.
  • A distinctly minimalist look. Avoid putting a lot of content on this page. You should aim to remove distractions. If you know of a section on your site that could produce 404 errors ( such as users having a previous version of the page bookmarked) simply put a link to that section and the homepage on the 404 page.

Related: See the Link Checker tutorial to find broken links on your site that could lead to 404 error pages.