Content Grid Block

The Content Grid block displays text and photos in a column or grid layout. It is extremely versatile. Use it to create columns of text, to display a page of photos, or to create ‘teasers’ that link to more content. You can achieve significantly different looks by varying the number of columns, using or not using pictures or leaving off the cell titles.

Note: you must enable the Advanced Content bundle to use this block.

Demo: Content Grid Block


Create a Content Grid Block

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Blocks
  2. Click on Add Block at the top of the page.
  3. Select Content Grid from the list of options.

    Select Content Grid from the list
  4. Or click Edit Layout on the page you wish to place the block.

Related: How to Place Blocks


Add Content Grid Content

The Content Grid block has the following fields:

  1. Label: a name used to uniquely identify the block. 
  2. Title (optional): this displays above the Content Grid block when placed on a page. 
  3. Style: choose a style to display the grid.
    1. Columns: creates 2-6 columns, images may be wide or square, may use title, link, text, and/or image in any combination.
    2. Overlay: creates 2-6 columns, must include an image and title, a link is optional, text is not displayed
    3. Large Teaser: may use title, link, text, and/or image in any combination.
    4. Large Teaser Alternate: may use title, link, text, and/or image in any combination.
    5. Feature (3 cells only): must include 3 cells with an image and  title.
    6. Offset (groups of 3 cells): must include groups of 3 cells, may use title, link, text, and/or image in any combination.
    7. Cards: creates 2-6 columns, images may be wide or square, may use title, link, text, and/or image in any combination.
    8. Teaser: may use title, link, text, and/or image in any combination.
    9. Tiles: may use title, link, text, and/or image in any combination.

Related: Content Grid Block Layouts

Configure a content grid


Add Cell Content

Each grid section is called a "cell" and has three sub-sections. You may create a cell using title & link, text, and photos depending on the style you selected. (see display options above)

  1. Title & Link (optional): the title and link appear within each individual cell. 
  2. Tip: Use the Search link under the title field to link to content that is on your site.

    Title Link field

  3. Text (optional): enter the body content for each cell. You have the WYSIWYG content editor for your body content, which means you have many options for formatting your text including the use of Shortcodes (embedding video, using icons, creating buttons, etc.).

    Text field

  4. Image (optional): some styles allow you set the image to Wide or Square. (Image required for Overlay and Feature style)

    Image Tab

    Note: The system automatically resizes the image. We recommend that any image uploads are at least 960px wide to allow for various scaling.

  5. Click Save.

You can add as many cells as you want to a Content Grid block. It is best to use a number that divides evenly into the number of columns you've chosen. For example, six cells in three columns will make a grid that's 3x2.


Place Content Grid Block

Related: How to Place Blocks