Article Feature Block

Article feature block

The Article Feature block displays the latest articles with the first article displaying a large image and summary and the remaining articles displaying titles and thumbnails.

Note: you must enable the News and Articles bundle to use this feature.

Demo: Article Feature Block


Create an Article Feature Block

  1. Go to the Shortcuts toolbar and select Blocks
  2. Click on Add Block at the top of the page.
  3. Select Article Feature from the list of options.

Create Feature Article block


Enter Label and Title

  1. Label: a name used to uniquely identify the block. 
  2. Title (optional): this displays above the Article Feature block when placed on a page. 

 Enter Label and Title


Select Filters

Choose which articles will appear by selecting from the available categories and tags.

  1. Expand the Filters section.
  2. Select the categories and tags to filter by.

Set Display Options

  1. Expand the Settings section.
  2. Display drop-down options:
    1. Inline 50/50: the feature article is aligned left and the article list is aligned right with both displaying equally in the block.
    2. Inline 66/33: the feature article is aligned left and the article list is aligned right. The feature article takes up two thirds of the space in the block.
    3. Stacked: the feature article is stacked on top of the article list.
  3. Image Size drop-down options:
    1. Regular: the original aspect ratio of the image.
    2. Wide: a wide cropped version of your image. Use the focal point tool to set how the image is cropped.

More Link

The More Link is a link which takes the reader to an Article List Page with more articles. Use an Article List Page created from a tag or category or create a new article list page, then enter node number in the url field. 

  1. In the More Link area, enter the Title of the link.
  2. Enter the URL to link to.

Tip: Use the search function to search by page title for an existing article list page.


Show Category

Choose to show or hide the categories that were set for each article to display on the Article Feature block. 

  1. From the Show Category drop-down, choose Hide or Show.

Save Article Feature Block

  1. Click Save to save the Article Feature block.

Place Article Feature Block

Related: How to Place Blocks